Rally Finland 2024

arriving by yourself @ Airport Helsinki / Vantaa



Self arriving @ Helsinki/Vantaa Airport 

Find attached our (Proforma Tour Program) for the Rally Finland 2024.  

Arrival day: Wednesday:                       July, 31.2024: Arrival at Airport Helsinki/Vantaa, @ 15.00, Meeting Point Bus Terminal, Bus has sticker Yiippi in front window. (There will be several busses), for other operators, please check, or you call us by Whatsapp +41-78.823.2228.    

Trnsfer Bus to Jyväskylä starts as soon all guests are on board, laterst @ 16.00. On the 4 hour bus trip we give out our Yiippi Racing Tours Give-away, also we do a break after 2 hour, for smokers and to purcase some drinks or snacks which you maybe need in the next days.  

Accommodation: After arrivial in Accommodation Harju, Check-in. At Check In you get the WLAN (Wi-FI code), and your Breakfast ticket, Breakfast early is possible at 06.00 am. Accommodation has no Restaurant/Bar. But down town is 5-10 min walking time.

in the evening self organize, in down town Jyväskylä, a lot of Restaurants and Bars are open, Note there will be a lot of people in Jyväskylä. Also Servicepark is approx. 20 minutes walking distance from our Accomodation.


Thursday          Aug., 01.2024: After Breakfast, @ 7.30am depature to Shakedown Ruuhjmäki, on this way we give out all Tickets (Rally passes for Shakedown, all Special Stages, Servicepark), @ 13.30 transfer back  to the Service Park in Jyväskylä, @ 19.05 start first Special Stage SS1 Harju in Centrum Jyväskylä.

  • Shakedown (Ruuhimäki)                  Start time:   10.01
  • Special Stage SS1 Harju                  Start time:  19.05  first car 

Friday                   Aug., 02.2024: After Breakfast, @ 06.30 depature to our 3-4 Action Points,which we visit during this day. Late afternoon return to Jyväskylä. 

Spezial StageSS2  Laukka 1         Start time 08.13 

Special Stage SS5  Ruuhimäki 1          Start time 12.05

Special Stage SS8 Saarikas 2           Start time 16.17 

Special Stage SS10 Harju2                      Start time 20.05  

If someone not want not see the stage twice, you can go to the Service Park and watch the evening service. 

Saturday               Aug., 03.2024: Early Breakfast, @ 06.30 am depature to our Action Points we visit during this day. Later afernoon return to Service @ Jyväskylä.     

  • Special Stage SS11Västila 1                 Start time 09.05, (We watch the WRC + the first 15 Rally2 cars, after departure to the SS13
  • Special Stage SS13 Ouunnpohja 1       Start time 11.05, (There we watch all cars)
  • Special Stage SS15 Päijäla 2            Start time 16.36
  • After we return to the Servicepark @ Jyväskylä

Sunday               Aug., 04.2024: After Breakfast, @ 06.30 am depature to the last 2 Action Points of this Rally Finland 2024,  include the Power Stage Laajavouri, after return to the Servicepark @ Jyväskylä, there will be the Podium ceremony, rest of the day no program.  

Special Stage SS13 Moksi 1                   Start time 08.55 

Special Stage SS20 Laajavouri 2           Start time 13.15, POWER STAGE

Monday             Aug., 05.2024: Breakfast & Check-out, @ 8.00 Shuttle Bus brings us back to Airport Helsinki/Vantaa, arrivial time 1.00pm.

Accommodation: we offer our Accommodation in Jyväskylä, close distanz to the Servicepark and to the centrum of Jyväskylä. We offer single- double bed rooms. Three bed rooms, All rooms has a small kitchen inside, WLAN.

Bus: we use comfort Busses which brings you close to the Stages, walking distance will be 500 meters. (It could be happend if there are a lot of spectators we need to walk a little more, but we try to departure early in the morning to reach the points we will choose.

We take all the days the same bus, departure will be always the same place where we let you go out. The Guides will always tell you the departure time and please be sure that you will be 10. Min. before depature on the meeting points so that we can do our Program.

We try to visit  as much as possible different Special Stages, not to see one stage twice. The organizer has done a very taff timetable on Saturday, the stages are far and the start times are very close, we try to get 3 Stages so that you have a maximum of Adrenalin on this day too. Important is that all Guest follow up the instructions and we will have a perfect Finland Rally.  Also on Saturday there will be the National Championship with a lot of exiting cars, Ford Escort, Toyota Corolla, BMW 325  and much more.

What you need for the trip to Finland:

Passport,  Currency Euro, Trekking shoes Trekking cloths, Rain poncho (no umbrella pls), Backpack, Mosquito repellent, Good Mood 

Organizer Tickets: All our guests get the Rally Pass for 4 days which include the Shakedown, all Special Stages, Servicepark, for more Information send us an E-Mail to: adrenalin@yiippi.com 

Guides: We have several Guides for Finland.


2 bed Room             Euro   985,00 / Person

3 bed Room             Euro   955,00 / Person

Single Room            Euro 1.095,00/ Person 

Booking, you send us an E-mail to adrenalin@yiippi.com or use our form below, with your datas: 

First Name:

Last name:



Mobil Pho.: 

After we recieve your Datas we send you the Invoice, as soon we recieve your down payment of 20%, we book your trip, rest payment latest on 30.June.2024.  

Booking Finland Rally 2024